Sunday, March 25, 2018

Enjoying Life

Today I turned 54 years old on Palm Sunday. Most of the parish wore red in honor of the day it is always cool to see a sea of red on Palm Sunday as we gather outside to begin our service.

I have a had a good weekend with little to no dizziness. My husband took me to The Donut Bar. I couldn’t believe that there was a line as this was downtown.

The chocolate one is normal sized. The donuts were delicious, even though I gave my second on to my nephew, because my first one filled me up.

Then Ralph drove down Las Vegas Boulevard so I could do a live for the fabulous support group, Ménière’s Worldwide. We truly are spread around the world and many have expressed an interest in visiting, so I have a virtual visit. For me Vegas is so much more than the glitz of the Strip, but I do love it and I see something new every time I go. 

We had a game night at our sister-in-law’s with family and friends on Saturday night. It was fun full of laughter. 

On Sunday Ralph and I went to mass. It was a sea of red as Father Bill asked everyone to wear red on Palm Sunday. We stopped at Starbucks for Frappuccinos and home to have a couple of my husband’s delicious breakfast burritos.

For lunch we met my brother, nephew. Ralph’s brother, sister-in-laws, nephew and parents for my birthday lunch at Baja Miguel’s at Southpoint. I love the food and the prices are good.

We came home and watched some tv. All in all it was a good day. There was some stressful stuff going on that evening, but despite having a vertigo attack everything was resolved once I made a bunch of phone calls for about 2 1/2 hours. 

Love, Peace and Light!


Have a spin free day!

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