When my symptoms first began, my late husband told me I just had to think positively and I could get better. I felt inadequate when I would still wake up dizzy or sore. (Ménière’s and Fibromyalgia were my biggest foes.)
It’s not a matter of mind over body.The stress of not being able to think my way to good health made me worse. It wasn’t until I accepted that I had chronic health issues and began to learn what my triggers were that I managed to feel better. Even then my health issues popped up when I least expected.
Stress is a major trigger for me in all my health issues. With meditation and exercise I learned to get it under control. However, as with everything you must keep up the practice. I haven’t been able to exercise because the vertigo was present daily. Though I can still meditate I often forget.
Diet is an important part of managing my illnesses, especially since I have food allergies. And the food allergies were triggering the constant vertigo I had for months. Changing my diet eliminated the constant internal vertigo.
Exercise is something that I need to get back to doing. Especially since I am losing weight the exercise will help continue that process. And a healthy body helps control all manners of illnesses. My doctor was not wrong when he told me to exercise.
Identifying triggers is another way I can help to control the Ménière’s. Salt is a trigger for me, but only in that my tinnitus will increase in volume if I have too much. It doesn’t seem to trigger episodes of room spinning vertigo. Lights and sounds can trigger vertigo and migraines for me. Other than stress I haven’t figured out any other triggers.
My thoughtful husband bought me blue light filtering glasses which I wear everywhere. Shopping, movies, sporting events or anywhere that lights may trigger vertigo or migraine. I still have to close my eyes and turn my head for strobing or flashing lights. I carry earplugs with me in case noise causes my ears pain. They are handy in crowded places so I can block out background noise. And my cane folds up to fit in my back pack in case I need it.
Pacing myself is helpful. When I push myself to do too much, I know I will pay for it for a couple of days after, especially with the Fibromyalgia.
Medication can help control the symptoms.
So though maintaining my health isn’t a simple matter of mind over body, using my mind to figure out what helps can. Unfortunately, in my two major complaints symptoms and triggers are different for everyone.
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