Friday, October 12, 2018

There’s Always Tomorrow 

I keep seeing people say FML (fuck my life) or I can’t take this anymore. While I agree that sometimes things seem like it won’t get better, especially with chronic illnesses, it will. 

You will have good days and bad days. Look forward to the good days. Take it easy on the bad days. Don’t beat yourself up because something didn’t get done, or something happened to ruin your day or plans. Shit happens. Life happens.

Look forward to the good days. Enjoy every minute. Don’t fret about the past, it’s over. Move on. If you don’t like your situation change it. Life isn’t something that happens to you, it’s something you do. So go out and live it. Don’t talk about what you would do if... Make it happen. 

How you ask? Make plans, but don’t get upset when something happens to make you change them. Be spontaneous. It’s helpful to take one day at a time, especially with chronic illnesses. Try not to worry about what can happen. I know this is easier said than done. 

I have an unpredictable disease, but when I am anxious it will bring on an attack. Stress is a trigger for me. 

Stress and anxiety is incapacitating for everyone. It makes normal people avoid living their lives. One way to eliminate anxiety is to live in the moment. If you do this there is no room for worrying about what might happen or what did happen. 

If you read my blogs then you know there is plenty in life that can tear a person down, but I choose to focus on the now. Even knowing what I may face in the future is not a good reason for me to curl up and stop living. Oh, I remember and I talk about it to educate and as a catharsis. 

On bad days remember that “tomorrow is another day” as Scarlet O’Hara so eloquently said. We have the power to change our thinking, and to change our lives. 

I say this when I feel stressed. 

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.

It helps me to let go of things out of my control. And reminds me that I am not entirely powerless. It gives me hope. If you don’t believe in God, you can leave off that part and recite it like a mantra. 

I am not always successful, because I am human. To quote another piece of folk wisdom... “If you fall off the horse, get back on.” Keep trying, live in the moment and most of all enjoy your life. 

I hope you all are spin free!

Love, Peace and Light! Rita

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