Someone in my support group, Ménière’s Worldwide, reminded me to always find the positive in every situation. For instance although I couldn’t climb to this peak, I was able to enjoy the ride and take pictures.
Life is wonderful and for every bad day we should look for the good. A month ago when I had a full on vertigo attack, my nephew and brother helped me walk. Walking is something that I can do on my own most days, even when in vertigo; my head spinning, not the walls and things. I might be best friends with my walls, but I can normally get around. I am thankful for the vestibular therapy I received many years ago when this all began.
Today, I am thankful to have gotten out of bed and look forward to a movie later with friends and my family. I am also thankful that my brother and sister-in-law are willing to drive me places when I can’t. My head and ears are full today with that drunk feeling, but I can still hear.
There is so much to be thankful for in life. I have a wonderful husband, family and good friends. Some people may not understand what I am going through and let’s be honest, unless they have the things that I have, they never will. I have no time for people who think I am faking. I choose to live in the now. (If only I could get the racing thoughts to stop reminding me of perceived injustices toward me (because some of it is my own anxiety) I would be happier.
In the meantime I’ll just take one moment at a time and be thankful that I managed to get out of bed. That I am able to camp, cruise and vacation of just hang out with friends, family and especially my husband.
I am also thankful for those who inspire me to write!
Stay spin free!
Love, Peace and Light!