Monday, August 5, 2019

Invisible No More

My disabilities might be invisible, but I am not. I am here. I have a voice, a rather loud one too!
My goal is to educate and hopefully find that one person who needs to hear what I have to say. I am always happy when I am able to help others to feel not so alone. Or even to point them in the right direction for a diagnosis.

I don’t care if people get tired of hearing about my disabilities. I don’t care if they think I am seeking attention. I may be seeking attention, but not for the reason they think. I am trying to reach that person who needs me. Whether they are the afflicted or someone who knows someone who has an invisible disability.

Sometimes you just need to understand what your friend, significant other, mom or dad, son or daughter are going through. And hearing it from someone who is not close to you helps. That is why Ralph is in my support groups. I think he has a better understanding of Ménière’s by being part of the groups. He certainly is more understanding when I am unable to accomplish my goals.

I have friends who don’t talk about their issues. And that is fine too, but I won’t stop because it makes someone uncomfortable. I am not embarrassed and I have no reason to hide. Granted it might seem strange to outsiders that I am able to live my life. What they don’t see is me napping to recharge my battery, so I can. Nor do they see the days when I pay for taking that walk or going on that trip. For every bit of fun I have there is always consequences.

I know that I may pay and I am willing, otherwise I will curl up on my bed and never leave it, because I’d be too afraid of the days I need to stay in bed. I know that’s sort of an oxymoron. You’re damned if you do and your damned if you don’t. I will always choose living. It makes the down days so much easier.

It’s up to each individual what they are willing to trade. I go prepared most of the time. There are times I’ve forgotten my earplugs or refused to carry my cane that I have regretted it. Fortunately, my blue light filtering lenses are built into my glasses. I need to be more diligent about being prepared. Sometimes no matter how well prepared I am, nothing can save me from my Disability. It is always there and its totally unpredictable. I am talking about Ménière’s and migraines. The Fibromyalgia is a bit more predictable. Weather changes, overdoing activity are sure signs that I will end up paying. Is it worth it? Yes!

This is me! This is my life! And I will live it however I see fit!

I hope you are spin free!

Love, Peace and Light! Rita

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