Thursday, April 19, 2018

Blue Sky Day

It looks like it is going to be a beautiful blue sky day in Las Vegas. I took this picture months ago, but the sky is blue.

Not only is it beautiful outside, but I finally have some relief from the Ménière’s, Fibromyalgia, Asthma and Allergies that have plagued me since we returned from our cruise last Thursday. 

I have been in bed most of the time since we returned. I could only eat one meal a day without repercussions. I had absolutely no energy. The breathing treatment for my asthma made the Ménière’s worse, because it’s sodium based. I could taste the salt. Salt has always been a trigger for me, since this started. Even now my tinnitus is ringing off the hook. 

Ralph and I managed to get to church and went to breakfast on Sunday. Sometimes I push through the dizziness and fatigue to try to be normal. As I have said before this disease or ailments won’t beat me, even though I may have to pay the price later.

I have some household chores to catch up on, but I hope to get out a bit to enjoy the beautiful day.  

Always enjoy the good days, but pay attention to your body. It will tell you when it’s time to slow down.  

I still want to live on a cruise ship. No allergies at see and I blend in when I am bouncing off walls, though frankly my symptoms abated for the most part once we were moving. It would be a fun experiment to see if it’s just a fluke or does it really help stabilize me. Who wants to join me? 

Have a spin free day!

Love, Peace and Light! Rita

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