Saturday, March 30, 2019

Find Reasons to Laugh & Smile

It’s really easy to sink into despair when you are ill, especially when it’s chronic. But there are good days too. On the bad days it helps me to laugh. Laughter is one of the best medicines I know. Sometimes I laugh at myself. Like one time my speed laces tripped me when they caught my lace from the opposite shoe. I went down face first. I could have laughed, but it was kind of funny, since I couldn’t get up because my feet were then behind me.

I laugh at memes, my pets, movies (Even when no one else does, because my sense of humor is warped). I laugh with my husband and my support group. Sometimes laughter is the only thing that gets me through the bad days. It certainly beats crying. Don’t get me wrong... In the middle of a vertigo attack, I cry, because I forget how bad it is and I don’t know when they will end, but after that, I try to find something to make me laugh. My pets, the tv, or whatever I can find on Facebook.

I am thankful for laughter. It’s funny because I have no sense of humor... well, maybe I do, but as I said it’s warped. Smiling and laughing are essential if you want to enjoy life. I do try to enjoy life. I try not to let my natural grumpiness out. When I get grumpy, my brother says, “I laugh in the face of your grumpiness.” Who can stay grumpy when you hear that and picture my late nephew, Mikey, laughing at my dad.

Anyway, find what makes you smile and laugh. I married someone who does that for me. I hope you are spin free!

Love, Peace and Light! Rita

Friday, March 22, 2019

To Be or Not To Be Gluten-free

For some it’s a choice. For others like me it isn’t a choice. Though to my knowledge gluten isn’t my problem, I can’t have it due to my wheat allergy. I am also allergic to cows milk, so I am doubly whammied.

What is it like to be allergic to wheat or gluten? Dining out is harder. Some restaurants have gluten free menus, while others do not. For some they cannot even have the contamination of wheat (gluten). I am fortunate that a slight contamination does not bother me. I can still partake in the blood of Christ during communion. For me the slight contamination of drinking wine after others who have had wheat does not cause any adverse reactions.

If you are allergic there is a constant vigilance on your part to make sure what you’re eating is gluten free. People don’t even realize that something as benign as a seasoning packet might contain wheat. If your like me there will only be minor consequences, but others will get deathly ill. One would hope that others would be more conscientious when preparing food for their family, but that is not always the case.

Why was I diagnosed with food allergies? I was vomiting frequently and my reflux was crazy. So, my gastrointestinalogist sent me for blood tests. It was a simple blood draw and the lab tested me for the most common allergies.

  1. Cow’s Milk 
  2. Eggs
  3. Tree Nuts: (Brazil Nuts, Almonds, Cashews, Macadamia Nuts, Pustachios, Pine Nuts and Walnuts)
  4. Peanuts
  5. Shellfish
  6. Wheat
  7. Soy
  8. Fish
Once I cut out my food allergies which included most of the tree nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, shrimp and egg whites, I noticed other symptoms, because they went away. For instance I was having a different type of vertigo than my normal Ménière’s Vertigo. Also, I had constipation and  diarrhea for most of my life... all that stopped when I eliminated my allergens. 

Upon learning that most were just food sensitivities, I could add them back in. Cow’s milk and wheat, however, are allergies that I notice fairly quickly after ingesting. Fortunately, they just cause me stomach pain, reflux and  diarrhea. I avoid them, but occasionally I do get some accidentally or because I was not diligent in asking the ingredients or I am craving a sweet. I am glad my allergies are not severe enough to cause me to go into anaphylaxis. 

Just not having the extra vertigo has been enough to keep me off the wheat and dairy. I miss having a cake or a milkshake, but have found alternatives. My nearest grocery store has a big gluten-free section and even offer vegan cheese. 

The bottom line is that I feel better and I have lost about 15 pounds. Who knew allergies were the cause of my IBS? If you have that and/or reflux, have your doctor check you for food allergies. 

I hope you are spin free!

Love, Peace and Light! Rita

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Birthday Month

This month is my birthday month. It’s been a fantastic month so far. Penn & Tellers Fool
Me taping on the 1st. A night of celebration as the hubby shaved his head for St. Baldrick’s on the 2nd. Followed by a day at the races. Unfortunately, Kevin Harvick didn’t win. Then this past weekend a staycation at a local hotel, where I was comped and then hit a jack pot. It’s been a great start to the big 55.

Yes, I will be 55 on my birthday! No, it doesn’t bother me. I really love my life and wouldn’t change it for the world. Well, I would eliminate the crazy autoimmune stuff that plagues me, but I am living despite it. It has taught me to appreciate the good days and even the so-so ones and to take it easy on the bad ones.

This weekend... St. Patrick’s Day weekend is the only free weeken for us this month and Ralph will probably have to work. I would like to drive to the winery... my supply has gone. LOL!

I get to see Donny & Marie during my birthday weekend. Though I’ve seen Doony twice, I’ve never seen Marie. I am excited. Then the day after my birthday I am off to visit my family in Ohio. I pray for spring weather and not winter. I have seen it go both ways when I lived there.

I will help celebrate my best friend’s birthday and my sister’s birthday while in Ohio. Ours are just a few days apart. There are a lot of March birthdays! So for all you March babies, whether you are a Pisces or Aries, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy our birthday month.

I hope you are spin free.

Love, Peace and Light! Rita