Sunday, April 22, 2018

Good Days and Bad Days

Yesterday was a good day. Even not being able to find my debit card nor my insurance cards set me back. Don’t worry I have replacements coming. I will probably find them, now. 

Even on my bad days like on Friday, I put on a mask so others can’t see how I feel. I guess if they pay attention they will notice that I don’t walk straight and that I am well acquainted with the walls and door jams. 

People might even notice that I mix up my words and I can’t think fast. Maybe they don’t realize that is part of having Ménière’s, Fibromyalgia, etc. 

But yesterday was a good day for me. I even managed to drive myself to the bank and to Holley’s Cuppa for a breakfast sandwhich. I took the dogs for a walk, which they loved and recorded a video for my peeps at Ménière’s Worldwide. 

I stayed up all day and didn’t go to bed until 9:30. A new record for me because I have been in bed by 5 if I haven’t remained in it already.

The best thing I ate two meals without loosing it all. I am not sure if that’s from the reflux disease or Ménière’s or something else. On the bright side I’ve lost the weight I put on during the cruise. 

I have decided that when possible I am going to listen to my body. If it needs rest, then I will rest. On the good days I will probably overdo things, because I need to get caught up on stuff. I can only hope that doesn’t put me back in bed the next day. 

I hope everyone out there is well and you all have spin free days!

Love, Peace and Light!


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