Thursday, December 21, 2023

Goal Setting?

I have goals. But setting goals doesn’t work for me. However, Vicki Pettersson shared another author’s goal list. The kicker was it wasn’t necessarily to show she met her goals, but that she accomplished things. 

In reality I think it’s more like a to do list. Here is a simple list I came up with as I was writing this. 

As you can see that although it’s 4 am I have already crossed reading and writing off my list. Why, yes, I include writing this blog as writing. I rally need to add sleep to the list.

Social media is also a category I could add and cross off by writing this blog.
See all that I accomplished by simply lying in bed. When I am more awake I will try to come up with a daily/monthly thing so I can mark off tasks as I do them. Some will be repeated. Daily, I hope. Whilst others may not get done more than once a month. 

The point is to show that I am being productive even if my health doesn’t allow me to do much. 

Love, Peace, and Light! Rita


1 comment:

  1. This is a very good point about planning, prioritizing, enjoying and acceptance. In my daily notebook I write a number of how I’m feeling emotionally and physically and my thoughts about it all. Btw, this is Lhb , I don’t know why my email from a business that closed in 2013 is here 😆
